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20 Year Aged Pu Erh Tea

20 Year Aged Pu Erh Tea

Regular price HK$300.00
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Crafted and blended with raw Pu Erh loose leaves aged for over 20 years, the tea exhibits a thick and velvety texture, a rich flavor profile with an imposing character. It finishes with a prolonged and sweet aftertaste.

Tea Variety: Pu Erh tea
Appearance: Sturdy and well-twisted, and have a dark green to deep brown color
Tea Infusion: Deep red and glossy, exuding a profound luster
Aroma: Rich aged and woody aroma
Palate: Rich, mellow yet assertive, with a lingering sweet aftertaste
Amount / 150ml: 6-8 grams
Water Temperature: 95-100°C (203-212°F)
Steeping Time: Steep for 30 seconds for the first two infusions, then increase by 15 seconds for subsequent infusions, adjusting to personal preference
Origin: Yunnan Province, China
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Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
Cynthia Law

向來喜歡喝茶,剛發現中環干諾道開了一間新茶行,店主對茶十分有硏究,非常熱情地介紹各種茶之餘,還可以試飲。特別推介二十年舊普洱及武夷大紅袍,比在其他店買的都要好!(Imported from Google review)